Lubov Rabinovich, (Любовь Семеновна Рабинович) born in Liepaya, Latvia in 1907 - died in Moscow, Russia in 2002 - Soviet painter
To study in beginning painting, being in last classes of school and in 19 years it was exposed at 8th exhibition AKhRR (Association of artists of revolutionary Russia).
At first was engaged at Jacob Andreevicha Chahrova (one of active members of "the Union of Russian artists», the representative of Russian picturesque tradition) in Real school of co-education of V.P.Kuzmina in Petrograd and Anapa. Then in Novorossisk in the Working studio of artist Kuvakin organised at cement works.
In 1921 arrives in the Moscow experimental-demonstrative school-commune of Lepeshinsky (МОПШК) where drawing was taught by artist Jacob Aleksandrovich Bashilov.
Is engaged in studio AKhRR.
According to the advice of heads of studio (P.Kiselisa, I.Mashkov, F.Bogorodsky) goes to Leningrad and enters the institute painting, architecture and a sculpture. On the first courses studied at A.Karev and A.Rylov, as seniors – at A.Savinov and K.Petrov-Vodkin. Drawing taught P.Naumov, M.Menizer, A.Savinov and K.Petrov-Vodkin.
In 1930 has finished ВХУТЕИН on A.Savinov's workshop, has protected degree work – a wall list in a building of the Academy on a theme «Shooting sports» and has received the diploma of the artist of monumental painting.
In 1932 has renewed study by the post-graduate student and in 1936 has finished too in A.Savinov's which has become to masterful easel painting the workshop. The diploma has protected a picture «Red have come (1920 on Kuban)».
The next 5 years worked in Saratov: was engaged in pedagogical work, since 1939 has headed the local union of artists, in days of war supervised over art collective of Saratov "Agitokon".
After war there comes in Stalingrad on building of the channel Volga-Don, HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION.
In the spring of 1954 with a brigade of artists goes on Virgin Lands and some season ов in state farm Russian-half-Jansky the Omsk region works there. Then comes on building of Brotherly HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION. In Academgorodok of Novosibirsk gets acquainted with scientists of the Siberian branch of Academy of sciences.
Has visited by the White sea, in East to the Crimea, Puschin, Dubna, and also art houses in Novorossisk, on Caucasus, in Baltic, etc. the Most fruitful there were trips to Pushchino, Stalingrad, on a virgin soil and Pereslavl-Zalessky.
The basic products: «the First wedding on a virgin soil» (1959), «the Student (Difficult the thirtieth)» (1963), «Kuban. Red have come» (1969), "On a farm" (1970), etc.
Works are in the state and private collections of Russia, Kazakhstan, France, Belgium and the USA.